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The Sword of St. George, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) not for profit. All donations to the corporation are tax deductible.

Checks can be made payable to: The Sword of St George, Inc. and mailed to P.O.Box 42, Manhattan, KS, 66505



Policy Statement Donor Privacy

To pay online by check or credit card.

Click on the Donate button on the above left. You will be taken to a page provided by Abundant. You will be prompted to setup an account with Abundant. Enter the amount of the donation. You can choose to make a one time donation or a recurring donation. After clicking the CONTINUE button you will be asked for your form of payment: credit card or bank drafts.

If you ever need check your account or make changes to recurring donations, you can view your account at https://abundant.co/thesword . Click on the drop down in the upper right, next to your name. If you need any assistance  Contact Us  and we can easily help you.


Thank you for considering a donation to The Sword of St. George, Inc.


Candid is a service that reports on the activities of non-profit organizations.  It is a good place to check to see how a non-profit is using the donations it receives. Click on the image on the upper right to view information on The Sword of St. George, Inc.


Some Donors prefer to use PayPal. You can click on the Donate button below to make a one time donation. To set up recurring monthly donations, select and option and click on Subscribe. If you already have a PayPal account you may find that PayPal automatically routes you to your account information, because it has stored cookies on you browser. If that happens, try browsing to our website with a different web browser. Then, when you click on the button below you should be taken to our PayPal donation page.

Donation Options

We are licensed with the Kansas Secretary of State Office